
Personalizing Evaluation

Personalizar la evaluación

Evaluative Research Methods

A Developmental and Negotiated Approach to School Self-Evaluation

Case Study Evaluation: Past, Present and Future Challenges

Dilemmas of Engagement, Volume 10

Who Needs the Cuts?: Myths of the Economic Crisis

Personalizing Evaluation

Personalizing Evaluation challenges the mainstream approach to program evaluation by inverting the traditional relationship between program and person. Saville Kushner shows how evaluation should document individual and group experience and use this as a lens through which to read social programs. First published by Sage, this book has been rewritten for a 2nd Edition, brought up to date and modified in the light of many comments received. It is available at:

Evaluative Research Methods

The book was written with research students and includes examples of their work. It recognizes that supervisors often struggle as much as students in meeting the challenges of inquiry that involves some element of evaluative judgment – an inquiry that potentially carries consequences. Where there are no quick-and-ready recipes, checklists, or theoretical frameworks – where we confront the particularities of the context in which the research takes place, we are all forced back onto good methodological thinking, and this is the pedagogical framing of the book.